The Religious Education program at St. Dominic’s from Prep – 6 utilises is all-encompassing of the Vision and Mission of the Catholic Church. Students are encouraged to wonder, to discover and to discern their faith through prayer and a variety of rich learning experiences.
Staff work together to plan units of work and students have the opportunity for daily prayer and to attend year level masses and whole school masses. The school Sacramental program works alongside the Parish program to enhance knowledge of the Catholic faith through parent workshops and Sacramental meetings.
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching are taught and emphasised at St. Dominic’s through our daily work and interactions with each other. Staff and students at St. Dominic’s work together to care for each other and to ‘never see a need without doing something about it.’ (St. Mary of the Cross Mackillop)
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching are explicitly taught where staff and students learn together about acts of social justice