Let your light shine
Have a Question?
If you can’t find the answer to your question or have a general question about our school
please contact us.
Does my child need to be Catholic to enrol at St Dominic’s?
We are a Catholic school first and foremost, however we are very welcoming to families from other faiths in our school. Please come and see the Principal to discuss this.
Does St. Dominic’s have a Before and After School Care program?
Yes we currently have Before and After School supervised activities for students of working families.
Where can I purchase the school uniform?
Our uniform supplier from 2024 onwards will be PSW in Campbellfield- 2/283 Rex Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061
How can I find out more about activities and programs in the Community Hub?
Please call the school on 9309 4146 or email the Community Hub leader cmenassa@sdbroadmeadows.catholic.edu.au for more information.
Can I enrol at St. Dominic’s if I do not live in the local area?
Priority for enrolment is for siblings of current students and for families who are baptised Catholic living in the local area. However, we are welcoming to all. Please contact the school to have a further conversation about this and to organise a school tour.
What extra co-curricular programs are offered at St Dominic’s?
We have Kelly Sports and Learning Club after school each week.